
the thesis installation

The night has come and gone...and our thesis opening was a HUGE success!!

I think we were all surprised at how large of a turnout we had - so thank you to everyone who was able to come! The support is very much appreciated.

...but for all of you who had prior engagements, I'm publishing the installation of my piece. As noted on my invite, the installation really is what made the piece come together; the promo card was just a teaser.

'One and a Half Trees'
The average American household receives one and a half trees worth of junk mail each year, the majority of which goes directly into the trash.

For this shoot, I collected 16 utility sized garbage bags of paper waste. After spending so much time with paper shreds, it only made sense to shred the photograph...

Because the paper strips had a slight curl to them, people saw the back side of the paper as they entered the gallery (on the right side of the image). Once they walked around the front of the image, to the spot we see here, the image was slowly realized. Below is the final image, without being shredded...

After getting so many questions throughout the night about how I executed the final installation, I thought I'd add a few little hints to my process...


Shane said...

Your work is amazing. I feel special to know you. Really.

fuorit3mpo said...

Very interisting installation!
I think the effect is great and surely there's a good relation with the space and the ligth.
This is one of the most important thing in an art-work, in my opinion!
Congrats! ;-)